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Earth vs. The ID4 Flying Saucers

Does something look familiar?
Earth vs. The Flying Saucers Independence Day (ID4)

08 Dec 96 minor revisions: 22 Dec 1996

INDEPENDENCE DAY (ID4), Wr. Roland Emmerich & Dean Devlin, Dir. Roland Emmerich (20th Century Fox; 143:00), 1996.

EARTH VS. THE FLYING SAUCERS, Dir. Fred Sears, SFX Ray Harryhausen (Columbia; 83:00), 1956.

Note: several of the images below are clickable to expand to full resolution.

ID4 - kaBOOM! With the recent release to video of INDEPENDENCE DAY (ID4), I could at last see, in the privacy of my own home, the wonder, the suspense, and the sheer blast-'em-apart spectacular that so many people raved about this past summer.

ID4 seemed pretty familiar. Aliens attack, we fight 'em back, we are victorious. Very reminiscent of the 1950s genre of "alien invasion" matinee flicks. Very reminiscent....

EVTFS - Wash, DC Too reminiscent.

I suspected that the filmmakers had lifted the plot from the Ray Harryhausen opus, EARTH VS. THE FLYING SAUCERS, and decided to compare some plot details. Uh-huh. As I suspected, they're not just similar, they're just about the same film. Let's take a look.

(I have to make something clear. The first two images shown here have very similar elements: flying saucer(s) overhead, a building in peril, and a man in the right foreground running to the right, away from the saucer(s). I didn't choose the images for their similarity, I found one on the Internet, and the ID4 version was retrieved from an online service. Just another coincidence, I swear.)

Basic Premise: Ominous Saucermen from outer space come to earth, and decide, "Hey, nice planet, we're taking over" (which, uh, is practically the poster teaser for the yet-to-be- released MARS ATTACKS!, directed by Tim Burton). They launch an attack on earth with superior firepower, but (after some humbling setbacks) Terran ingenuity and grit result in overcoming the cheerless alien bastards, who crumple before our righteous might. We earthlings celebrate and return to our humdrum existence of famine, warfare and environmental blight.

Moral Of The Story: it's our world, damn it, and you're not getting it without a fight! In 1996: "... we're fighting not just for our right to govern ourselves, but for our right to survive." Keep your dirty hands (tentacles) off our planet, asshole!

Once again, Hollywood prevails over the continuous encroachment of originality from independent filmmakers ... by re-wrapping and aggrandizing a film that has, essentially, already been made and proven viable. Like SPECIES, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, THE QUICK AND THE DEAD, DIABOLIQUE, JURASSIC PARK, TWISTER, THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS, and other recent blockbusters, ID4 is proof that it's safer at the box office not to be original at all. Derivation and plagiarism should be taught in all film schools, if only so that graduates will be able to work and support their kids.

-- D.B. Spalding

D.B. Spalding is a cross-media “infopreneur”: columnist, reviewer, producer, consultant and online content developer. He writes frequently about music, film, computing and the mass- and multimedia. Many of his articles can be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.korova.com.

All Independence Day images © Copyright 1996 20th Century Fox, all rights reserved. Earth vs. The Flying Saucers images © Copyright Columbia Pictures, or whoever bought the rights. All images are used under "fair use" doctrines of existing copyright law at the time of publication.

© Copyright 1997 D.B. Spalding/Korova Multimedia. All rights reserved.







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