Mo Better Mocha
23 Dec 96
Korova Multimedia Introduces Second Generation Coffee Beverage RecipeAfter extensive r&d by our tireless Korova Multimedia caffeine engineers (who learn by trial and error, thereby pioneering the practice of "enginerring"), we have finally perfected our second generation recipe for a high octane mocha coffee beverage.
This recipe is shareware. If you prepare it, and get a pleasurable buzz, you must register this buzz with Korova Multimedia via e-mail, voice mail or snail mail. Cost of registration is one smile.
Download the recipe. You are welcome to share this recipe with any other interested parties. This recipe MUST be redistributed complete and unabridged, with copyright notice, attribution and return address intact and unedited.
Mo Better Mocha. An all-season, radial coffee beverage, geared for getting your tires on the road ... with a smile.
Korova Multimedia Mo Better Mocha
- Approx. 2 cups Italian roast coffee
- 1 splash Romana Sambuca liqueur
- 1 rounded teaspoon Hershey's Cocoa
- 1 rounded teaspoon Eagle Brand sweetened condensed skimmed milk (fat-free)(or equivalent)
- Several ounces frothed milk (skim milk recommended)
- Water
Prepare coffee conventionally, in either a Melitta style drip coffeemaker or espresso maker, with Sambuca already in the pot. Remove basket prior to final seconds of brewing -- the last few ounces of water in the grounds result in a bitter coffee aftertaste.
Froth milk in usual manner, until hot. Stir in condensed skimmed milk, blending with frothed milk. Continue frothing milk until hot.
Pour liquid portion of frothed milk (about 4 oz.) into tall mug, retaining froth. In mug, stir cocoa into milk, making a dark mixture. Pour in coffee, about 8 oz. DO NOT STIR.
Spoon frothed milk over the top of the beverage. Garnish with cinnamon or powdered chocolate as desired. Sweeten to taste, if desired.
Beverage is to be taken internally. Enjoy. Dream.
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Korova Multimedia . All rights reserved.